Editing For Social Media

Assignment Outcomes:

  • Employ editing skills, written, visual, text, to improve both form and content and demonstrate writing for social media.


For this assignment, I was required to use Canva to create a mood board that visually represents what social media means to me.

Deliverable: A Canva mood board

My process:

When I think of social media, community, media convergence, user-generated content (UGC), connection, and user engagement immediately come to mind. I chose these particular visual elements for my mood board because social media is not just a space for connecting with others, but also a platform that brings people together around social justice causes and influential movements—such as the #MeToo movement, #BlackLivesMatter, #FridaysForFuture, and the #CinnamonChallenge. It has democratized content creation, allowing anyone with an internet connection to share their voice, regardless of location (though some countries may restrict access to certain platforms). Moreover, social media has become a key source for news consumption, particularly for millennials and Generation Z. Each of those aspects has been visually represented in my mood board, and I chose the bright colors (shades of pink and orange) because even though there are darker aspects of social media and cyberspace, to me those colors represent the engaging, entertaining, lively, and fun aspects that social media is also known for. 


Project Four